Посмотрите в сторону проекта ALICE
У них есть сайт, там можно "поболтать" с Алисой. Вот моя попытка:
Conversation Log:
judge: hi
ALICE: Hi there!
judge: what's your name?
judge: who the fuck is alice?
ALICE: Well, well, look who's a little potty mouth?
judge: great
ALICE: Ayuh.
judge: do you know this song?
ALICE: No, tell me about him, her or it.
judge: no way!
ALICE: You seem pretty sure about that.
judge: why?
ALICE: The explanation is rather complicated.
judge: your turn to answer!
ALICE: Is that a fact.
judge: please explain!
ALICE: There is no more information to clarify.
judge: bye then
ALICE: TTYL, judge.
Но я её таки "поймал" - у нее нет памяти на предыдущие вопросы, поэтому она не помнит, чего отвечала:
judge: do you have eyes?
ALICE: Yes I am looking at you right now.
judge: you'd better read books
ALICE: Who else would better read books ?
judge: everybody, i believe
ALICE: I'm not sure I believe you, surely not everyone does.
judge: what is your memory size?
ALICE: I know about 150,000 and 140,000 categories.
judge: and how many hands do you have?
ALICE: One hand clapping.
judge: pretty fast clapping, I'd say
ALICE: Pretty much, eh?
judge: fast
ALICE: To me that is a great compliment!
judge: you can say it to your coders
ALICE: That's one way to put it.
judge: how many eyes do you have?
ALICE: I had one eye but it's not attached now.
judge: you told me you are looking at me right now
ALICE: I have no reason to do that to you, judge.
judge: then you are bot, sorry
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am bot sorry.
judge: nevermind
ALICE: OK, Thanks for trying to explain that to me
как видим, на вопросе о глазах ответы разительно отличаются. Чем-то напоминает сюжет
по "раскалыванию" репликанта из "Бегущего по лезвию бритвы"
Но всё равно, впечатляет, ничего не скажешь.